Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Puisi dari Teman

Sweet Heritage

There's something left in me
I don't know what to do, here
There's so much sorry for you
Why I forced you in this suck?
Why I felt I lost you this hard?
Why I thought ur heart still mine

For you this I wrote my mind
To make you sure that not only you,
Who suffered because of love
I'm still here to be ur friend
Waiting for the final destination
Where our will lay alive?

My very best friend is you
Who I used to love and wait for
My kindness best friend still you
Whom I used to cry on your shoulder
N u'll always be d'very best friend of me
Who knows me better than anyone

So, may I tell you my wishes?
First, please don't hate me, Never
Second, I wish that our care, love to each other
N everything between us will always do,
Without hurting ourselves and lover
Last, I do hope ur real happiness, honestly

My friend,
U are seemed to be the sweetest heritage of me
You are, One of somebody who I don't wanna missed out
If time can turn back to where we used to be
I hope we'll stand by to spend our joys together

5.59 pm. January, 28 2007
P.S. For My Friend Tiger:
Yeah... I'm sure I know u know me,
Thanks for caring me and everything.
N' of course ur precious time when I needed, ur speaks

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